Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Liberal Values at Their Best

Is there no level to which the Liberals will not sink to?
Apparently not.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Spilt Milk & Sour Grapes

Mayor Miller seems to be getting his shorts in a knot over council rejecting his proposed tax increases.
One of the projects not being done because of this happens to be "the planned $1.2 million renovations to his office". Must be one hell of an office.
Miller then lists a number of cuts and deferals to city spending (some of which seem fairly petty to me).
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong "complained that shortly after Miller talked of saving money, the mayor was arguing in favour of a motion to spend $1.2 million to buy Theatre Passe Muraille and keep it from going out of business. After considerable discussion, the purchase passed by a 30-8 vote."
So, I guess instead of office renovations, Mayor Miller bought a theatre instead.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Alcan - 1, Alcoa - 0

This should take some of the wind out of Jack Layton's sails.
It seems that Canadian companies are not just selling out to foreign investors after all. They are actually looking out for the interests of their investors and the interests of the company as a whole. Even ideoglogy seems to come into play.
Now this could just be a ploy to up the price, but I sincerely hope there's more to it than that.
I have to agree with Layton's basic premise that Alcan remains a Canadian entity.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Stick it in your 'Ash-Hole' Dalton

This is the sort of stuff that we, the taxpayers, are paying for.
I 'Skit' you not.
Just 'Flickin' wonderful.
With all respect Dalton, 'Blow Me'.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ban Wolves & Nuisance Bears

Here's a little article and situation that every
"Anti-Gun" person should have to face at least once in their lives.
I'm sure it would change their rhetoric a tad.
I'm also quite sure they would rather be waving a gun instead of a stick.

The Hypocrisy Of It All

“Do as we say, not as we do.”
Seems to be a fitting motto for the
Ontario Liberals these days.
When Governments and their officials
strive only for their own personal
interests, it should be a sure sign
to all concerned that a major change
is in order.

Not So Funny Stuff

THIS little article caught my attention today.
It seems that letting your firearms license lapse
has consequences akin to that of being a suspected
terrorist about to go on a killing spree.
That these types of tactics are used in Canada,
against average, everyday citizens is just not acceptible.
Whoever is responsible for condoning and authorizing
the use of such exceptional force should be held to account
and severely reprimanded.
The "Gun Police" that have been loosed on our
citizenry is an utter disgrace and must be stopped

from employing these types of outrageous tactics.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Money Well Spent ????????

Damn, I would have asked for my money back.

Wish I made $400.00 an hour.

Well.....Shoot Me In The Foot

I'd say a fitting punishment for Tom Wappel would be:
To immediately be banished from the Liberal Party,
"walk the floor", and be welcomed into the Conservative fold.
Even though "floor crossing" is practised by all parties,
the outraged Liberal shouts of "Floor Crosser" would be deafening.
So I kinda doubt that will happen.

Of Course He Doesn't!!!

Dion stated:

"It's very demanding to be always in an election.
So I don't want an election."

Especially when it's quite certain you'd lose.
At least in this case he seems to have
a firm grasp of the obvious.

Otto Lang Syndrome

I'm pretty sure Dion hasn't missed stepping in any chips.

And it looks like there are others who feel the same way.

Yup, it does look like the good ship "Popcorn & Beer" is sinking.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Brrrrr....It's Cold Out Here

I'm guessing that "Global Warming" was the
last thing on their minds during this exercise.
And if it was, they were probably all for it.
I'm getting a chill just thinking about it.

Hmmm..... Trademark Pills

A whole new marketing strategy in the making.

A few picks of my own:

Dion’s – relief from the symptoms of indecision
Iggy’s – for relief of impotency attacks
Holland’s – for the easing of foot in mouth syndrome
Goodale’s – for those that suffer from embarrassing leakage
Jenning’s – memory enhancement supplement
Milliken’s – for order disorders
McGuinty’s – elimination of diarrhea of the mouth
Stronach’s – for relief of those nasty morality issues
Brison’s – for sufferers of hemorrhoidal itch

Volpe’s – natural enhancement for the dead

I'm sure I missed a few.

Do as we say, not as we do.

Isn't it funny how the worst offenders are always
the one's who cry foul the loudest.
Don't they check their own backyard
before condemning their neighbors?

Friday, March 9, 2007

Steven - Stephane

I've never really given much thought to handwriting analysis.
But this really hit the mark.
Who would have thought !!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Russians are Coming?

Apparently the Russians will be in the skies
over Canada on Thursday and Friday.
And they are looking for ..........
Did I read that right?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

But, But, "This Is Unfair"

Klingon is not the language of politics.

Perhaps a few lessons would not be a bad thing.
It can't hurt.